متن کوتاه انگلیسی در مورد سربازی

of windmill going round

يك آسياب بادي را كه در حال چرخش است

I guess i'll always be

حدس مي زنم كه من هميشه

a soldier of fortune

يك سرباز زمانه خواهم بود

Military is a way to make boys human

But there is no way to make girls human!

My father said that during the military period and away from my father

Becoming a mother and a person and eating a lot of rice

Let every artless boy die

And become a lousy man

The soldier was serving

He would pick up any paper he saw and read it and say: This is not it

Eventually, military officials took him to a hospital

And a medical team determined he should be exempted

The soldier laughed when he saw the exemption paper and said:








That was all

What is a human being?

When he tells me to grow up soon

When he grows up, he says he wishes I could go back to my childhood

When the soldier prays, it is over

It's over, you define twenty years of memory with taste!

 was a soldier in your line

The captain says: from left to right

Savannah sees  standing like this and doing nothing

He says why do you not obey my command?


Your Excellency, first make a definite decision, then I will do it

It's a pity his military bread is over

When the end of service card is given to him

He looks and says: Dad, I have four of them!

Comrade military text

I was just heartbroken for a moment

That's my profile picture

It was:

Hello soldier

Forced days

کچل باشی

Going to the top of the city is called fashion

Go downtown say military

Go down to the city, they say you were a prisoner

All this difference in a radius of 20 km

Military SMS

Beautiful photos and text about the end of military service

I'm tired like a young man after military service

Hear that someone has fallen in love with his favorite girl

I'm tired, I wish someone would understand me

I'm tired

I remember once or twice with the girl next door

I had greeted him

The girl went to the army with her eyebrows

I just found out he was a boy

His son who went to the army

His mother's heart went with him

I think his mother's heart

He was left in his son's backpack

Uncle's son is a fallen soldier

The second day he said he was arrested, we said why?

Saying at his own discretion has made Lalehzar Street two-sided!

Military bio text for Instagram

You are the only rose left in my poetry book

It rains every time

I miss her perfume so much

As if

You have been gone for years…

Photo text and military text message

Marriage is the only front

That you can sleep at night with the enemy in a trench

Sometimes a brave soldier

Sometimes the king is disappointed!

Day and night are nothing but the repetition of chess!

Sentences of military nostalgia

They also say

If boys become male soldiers; You become human

It's like being a predator before

When we were in the beginning, we cut our hair to the bottom

Middle school and high school are the same

We went to the army and hit our hair again

And until we came to fix our hair

We lost our hair ..

Cool text about boys going to the army

Hello elephant

Not because of its long snout

Because the floor sprayer is smooth

Exemption from military service

Only an Iranian can go to the army for two years

Define 30 years

Goodbye soldier

These boys say that we will lose two years of our lives by going to the army

It seems that before the military was researching integrals in the Library of Congress


Distance is always bitter for the lover

800 km and 8 meters

I understood this from the wet eyes of a soldier

Who was watching his wife from the top of the watchtower

Goodbye to the era of good military service

SMS to the health of the soldier who

Cheers to the soldier who stood in line for 55 minutes

Hear her love for 3 minutes

Text about the military

Funny sms for the military


I depend on you

Like a soldier to his headband

To make you famous; Mona Lisa to her smile!

How did I feel when you left?

I say in private

Like a man; Moment of execution of his child…

They say to Haif Noon, why are you going to the army?

Vala says only because of his leave

He untied his shoelaces

He broke up with his sister

The boy went and closed the door behind him

Cheers my dear soldier

They lined up and shaved my head

They dressed me in army clothes

God bless you, sergeant

What you did tonight, you are my guardian

Goodbye soldier

Funny military text

Saying a soldier takes 24 months

I have 1 year to go to the army

Then they say that the number of each child is deducted for 3 months

Please find me a woman who can give birth to 8 twins in the first delivery

Military Literary Text

Memories that are gone and no more

It's sad

But the memories are human

And they are not like before

It's sadder than that…

I'm sad

Like an old woman who

The last soldier to return from the war

Not his son!

Romantic photos and text for the military

Before I went to the army, I thought two hours was too short

But when I left, I stood on the turret for two hours

I realized that two hours is an umrah itself

Cheers to all the soldiers…

I reached my post and fell asleep

I remembered my mother's love

I wrote a letter with tea leaves

Where is my mother full of crows?

I wrote a letter with grape leaves

I was separated from my house for 2 years

The health of the soldier who was at the border was looking at the picture of his love!

Yahoo sees that his love is smuggled across the border

He was buried there

Military is not a joke that you neglect to overeat

We had a case where a boy wanted to go to the army

He had been making a secret pocket for a week ago

lipstick ; Tweezers; Paragraph; Bleach and eyeliner

Profile picture and text of my love soldier

The health of a soldier because of his family

He took the shoulder he had been given with him

Although he had no hair

Goodbye Soldier John

It means to be a boy!

They are behind Baba Maman only until the end of primary school

Then society will make you great

You only have one year to pass the entrance exam

Next 18 or military or overhead!

Military stress and longing to study without stress

A military boy telegraphed to his father:

I need money

His father replied:

From the dust of a ruin ...

I love you

Like a soldier for years

He guards a deserted place unaware of the end of the war

Comrade military text

A good friend who

Be like the slippers of a military dormitory

Never be lame!

Soldiering for boys is pregnancy for women

Whoever sees us asks how many months?

These boys also say that you lost two years of your life in the army

It seems that before that you were in the Parliamentary Research Center

Being busy !!

Poetry for the military

Burn what the soldier built

You separated me from you

The sergeants made me miserable

They tore my personal clothes

They shaved my head

They ate my clothes

Military text for brother

I am a rotten sofa in the rain

You are a remote soldier with a bullet in the side!

How late we found each other, how late…

Every day you miss the military

Safa is shooting at the border

Up to forty barracks lights are on

The head of the lens pot becomes noisy

In a pot of lentils; Fallen a fly

eat ; If I do not eat, I will stay hungry

I know how much I do not know now

Sad profile picture for a soldier

From the day the soldier stood up

We were not oppressed, it was against the girls

Burn it when a soldier stood up

He looked at all the girls

New military text message with military profile picture

My permanent son has gone to the army!

For an initial introduction, ask him what legal problem do you have?

He returned and said: No, Captain

I just do not know why I do not get enough of everything I eat

There is nothing else to say, forgive your blood

The most military love sentence: In the camp of your heart…

I am also a prisoner of war دی You are torturing me…

In this stone castle.

Text and SMS Soldier SMS military

You turned 18 years old

It will be very effective for you, you will be happy

But you turned 18 in Iran

You say I have to go to the army!

Yaro goes to the army

Who cares

Dad says

Let's get married to you, this is your child

You used to go back to the army

You were hired with your end of service card

You got a certificate, you called it house and car

You would get a visa and a passport and travel

Now you go to the army and you lose that part-time job

Today I went to the police station, I asked Yaro, are you a soldier?

He says no, Bibi Khashtam

People do not have nerves to God

Short text of military farewell

To a Roman soldier with a backpack

I have been given dry bread

I shaved my head in line

Take off my military uniform

Army uniform is the color of the earth

This is the punishment of every last young man

Yaro goes to the army and returns two years later

He sees everyone shaving

He says what happened, tell me I can stand it

Dad says shut up, where are you shaving ری

It's a pity his son goes to a soldier and tells him

My son, learn their work well

You came to a checkpoint

I had heard

It is said that a man does not cry

But I saw with my own eyes that he was crying

A soldier who loves hot

He sneezes

ترجمه :

یک روش نظامی برای انسان سازی پسران

اما هیچ راهی برای انسان سازی دختران وجود ندارد!

پدرم این حرف را در دوران سربازی و دوری از پدرم گفته بود

مادر شدن و آدمی شدن و خوردن برنج زیاد

بگذار هر پسر بی هنری بمیرد

و تبدیل به یک مرد لوس شوید

سرباز مشغول خدمت بود

هر کاغذی را که می دید می گرفت و می خواند و می گفت: این نیست

سرانجام مقامات رقابتی او را به بیمارستان منتقل کردند

و یک تیم پزشکی تشخیص داد که وی باید معاف شود

سرباز با دیدن برگه معافیت خندید و گفت:
این همه بود

انسان چیست؟

وقتی به من می گوید زود بزرگ شوم

ممکن است بزرگ بگوید کاش کودکی در آزمایشگاه داشتم

وقتی دعا می کنی نماز تمام شود

تمام شد ، بیست سال حافظه تعریف کنید ، آن را بچشید!

خانگل یک سرباز در خط توست

ناخدا می گوید: از چپ به راست

ناخدا می بیند که خانگل اینگونه ایستاده و نمی تواند کاری انجام دهد

می گوید چرا از فرمان اطاعت نمی کنی؟

خانگل می گوید:

عالیجناب ، من اولین تصمیم قطعی را بعد از چشمم می گیرم

حیف نان سربازی اش تمام شد

وقتی کارت پایان خدمت به او داده می شود

ببین ، می گوید: ای بابا ، من چهار تا از اینها را دارم!
رفیق متن نظامی

فقط یک لحظه دلم سوخت

این عکس پروفایل من است


سلام سرباز

روزهای اجباری

کچل باشی

رفتن به بالای شهر را مد می نامند

برو مرکز شهر بگو نظامی

به شهر برو پایین ، آنها می گویند شما زندانی بودید

این همه اختلاف در شعاع 20 کیلومتری است

اس ام اس های نظامی

عکس ها و متن های زیبا درباره پایان خدمت سربازی

من بعد از خدمت سربازی مثل یک جوان خسته ام

بشنوید کسی عاشق دختر مورد علاقه اش شده است

خسته ام ، کاش کسی مرا درک کند

خسته ام

یکی دو بار با دختر همسایه به یاد می آورم

سلام ، من پرسیده ام

دختر با ابروهایش به ارتش رفت

تازه فهمیدم پسر است

پسرش که به سربازی رفت

قلب مادرش با او همراه شد

فکر می کنم قلب مادرش است

او در کوله پشتی پسرش رها شد

نکات رانندگی افتاده سرباز سرباز

روز دوم گفت دستگیر شد ، گفتیم چرا؟

گفتن به صلاحدید خودش خیابان لاله زار را دو طرفه کرده است!

متن بیوگرافی نظامی برای اینستاگرام

تو تنها گل سرخ باقی مانده در کتاب شعر من هستی

هر بار باران می بارد

دلم خیلی برای عطر او تنگ شده است

مثل اینکه

شما سالها رفته اید

متن عکس و پیامک نظامی

ازدواج تنهاست

من می توانم شب ها را با دشمن در یک سنگر بخوابم

گاهی اوقات یک سرباز شجاع

گاهی شاه ناامید می شود!

روز و شب چیزی جز تکرار یک شطرنج نیست!

جملات نوستالژی نظامی

آنها هم همین را می گویند

اگر پسران سرباز مرد شوند. شما انسان می شوید

مثل این است که قبلاً درنده باشید

وقتی اوایل کار بودیم ، موهایمان را ته می دهیم

دبیرستان و دبیرستان یکی هستند

به سربازی رفتیم و دوباره موهایمان را زدیم

و تا اینکه آمدیم موهایمان را درست کنیم

موهایمان را از دست دادیم ..

متن جالب درباره سربازی رفتن پسران

سلام فیل

نه به خاطر پوزه بلندش

چون سمپاش کف صاف است

معافیت از خدمت سربازی

فقط یک ایرانی می تواند دو سال به سربازی برود

30 سال تعریف کنید

خداحافظ سرباز

این پسران که می گویند به سربازی می روند دو سال از عمر ما را هدر می دهند

به نظر می رسد که وی قبل از عضوگیری در مورد انتگرال در کتابخانه کنگره تحقیق کرده است


فاصله همیشه برای عاشق تلخ است

800 کیلومتر و 8 متر

من این را از چشمان خیس یک سرباز فهمیدم

که از بالای برج مراقبت همسرش را تماشا می کرد

خداحافظ دوران خدمت سربازی خوب

اس ام اس برای سلامتی سربازی که

به سلامتی سربازی که 55 دقیقه تماس تلفنی برقرار کرد

3 دقیقه عشق او را بشنوید

متن در مورد ارتش

اس ام اس های خنده دار برای ارتش

ﺳﺮﺑﺎﺯﯼ ﺗﻮ ﺩﻓﺘﺮﭼﻪ

ﺎﯾﯽ ﺧﺮﻣﺎﯾﯽ.

ﺎﺕ ﮔﻔﺖ ﺗﻮ ﮐﻪ ﻣﻮﻫﺎﺕ.

ﮔﻔﺘﻢ ﺁﺭﻩ ﺍﯾﻦ ﺧﺮﻣ ﻣﺸﮑﯿﺎ ﻣﺸﮑﯿ. ^ __ ^

این غذا را سرو کنید

من به تو وابسته ام

مثل سربازی به سربندش

برای معروف کردن شما مونالیزا به لبخندش!

من که رفتم حالم چطور بود؟

در خلوت می گویم

مثل یک مرد؛ لحظه اعدام پسرش

به حیف نون میگن چرا میری سربازی؟

والا فقط به خاطر مرخصی اش می گوید

چکمه هایش را بست

او از خواهرش جدا شد

پسر رفت و در را پشت سرش گذاشت

به سلامتی سرباز عزیز

آنها سرم را در صفحات تراشیدند

آنها لباسهای ارتش را به من پوشیدند

خدا رحمتت کن گروهبان

آنچه امشب کردی ، نگهبان من هستی

خداحافظ سرباز

متن نظامی خنده دار

گفتن سرباز 24 ماه می شود

من 1 سال وقت دارم که به سربازی بروم

پس از گفتن آن ، تعداد هر کودک به مدت 3 ماه کسر می شود

لطفاً برای من زنی پیدا کنید که در اولین زایمان بتواند 8 قلو به دنیا بیاورد

متن ادبی نظامی

خاطراتی که از بین رفته و دیگر وجود ندارد

غم انگیز است

اما خاطرات انسانی است

و مثل قبل نیستند

غم انگیزتر از آن است

من ناراحتم

مثل پیرزنی که

آخرین سربازی که از جنگ بازگشت

نه پسرش!

عکس و متن عاشقانه برای ارتش

قبل از اینکه به سربازی بروم ، فکر می کردم دو ساعت خیلی کم است

اما وقتی رفتم ، دو نفر روی برجک ایستادم

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